Architect - Scientist - Educator

Mar is an architect and a researcher pursuing her PhD at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Her primary research lies at the intersection of Architecture, Neuroscience and Psychology to understand how environment design impacts human cognition.  However, she also has research experience in Advanced Materials and Sensors, which work has been recognized with several awards of excellence, such as the XVII Arquímedes National Research Prize from the Ministry of Spain for the discovery of new advanced materials in 2018. 

Mar holds a Master's in Architecture from Universitat Politècnica de Valècia and a Master's in Education from Universidad Católica San Vicente Mártir. She has worked in Valencia as an Architect and in Colegio Fundación San Vicente Ferrer as a teacher in Aesthetics, Arts and Mathematics. Recently, Mar received an Excellence Fellowship from the IMFAHE Foundation, which allowed her to finance a predoctoral internship at the Penn Center for Neuroesthetics from the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania (USA).


Universitat Politècnica de Valencia
s/n camí de vera, Valencia, 46019,  Spain