Mar Llorens Gámez has been invited to participate in the IMFAHE's Nodal Award-Shark Tank Edition 2020 to present MyBStory App, in the Oral Presentation and the IMFAHE Excellence Fellowship 2020 Awards.

General aims

• Collide key players of the “quadruple helix of innovation” (talent from diverse ecosystems in the world, universities, companies and governments) in an “international innovation camp” full of activities to promote the exchange of values, knowledge and ideas.

• Catalyze & Strengthen national/international professional collaborations within IMFAHE´s network of Talent, located in 5 continents of the world.

• Promote an entrepreneurial spirit by funding the most innovative ideas emerged within the Platform of innovation

• Catalyze collaborations with Companies looking for innovative ideas emerged within the Platform of innovation

• Discuss the importance of creating an Alliance in Europe and a productive model based on innovation and roles and actions taken by each one of the four branches of the “quadruple helix”. Innovation as the driving force for the country´s progress.

Conference summary

• This conference will be attended online by government representatives, university rectors and vice-rectors, and Spanish & Portuguese emigrated talent (IMP mentors), professors (9 Spanish & Portuguese universities) applying to 2 idea competitions, students (IMP mentees), as well as companies/organizations that support IMFAHE’s mission.

• 3rd edition IMFAHE’s Nodal Award- Shark Tank Edition 2020 Teams will pitch their innovative ideas on stage. Goal: to catalyze the creation of scientific and entrepreneurial collaborations among students, professors and emigrated talent. The best ideas/projects will be supported economically .

• 1st edition IMFAHE’s Companies Challenge- Shark Tank Edition 2020 Selected teams will pitch their innovative ideas providing solutions to problems launched by our partnered companies. Goal: to catalyze the collaboration between students, professors and mentors with internationally recognized companies, bridge knowledge in the world, and promote team work in the platform. Companies will support economically the best ideas and projects.

• Roundtable discussions: Innovation in higher education, companies and governments, and policies in place to attract talent. Dr. Monteiro, will spark the debate about the relevance of collaboration to drive innovation and build public policies in countries.