Students of the School of Architecture organize the II ETSA·TOPIA Festival

For the second year, the students of the School of Architecture organize the II ETSA · TOPIA Festival on the last weekend of April, This event seeks to promote the participation of students and staff of the School. El objetivo de este evento es algo para llevar el ejercicio y el conocimiento de la arquitectura más allá a través de charlas, talleres y actividades, con diferentes eventos que también se llevan a cabo en los días previos a su celebración.

“Plan B”

The convergence with other professions, the increase in interdisciplinary relationships, and the close dialogue between students, teachers and experts are the basis of what has been called "plan B", which this year has several previous activities around the theme of the festival, backed by many sponsors and groups. Activities such as ETSA · KUTXA or a roundtable on entrepreneurship in which DTF Magazine was present together with other professionals and teachers of the School.